We got back home from Disney World on March 4th. First we had to celebrate Richard's 39th Birthday. We grilled out and then I made his favorite dessert, strawberry shortcake. I totally forgot to get him a gift, so the kids wrapped-up a couple of things for him.....2 bananas!! It was cute!
We had a full week of school and then it was Spring Break. We spent most of our Spring Break in Little Rock. I did not take very many pictures but it was a week full of fun! We got to visit with lots of friends, Lucy got her first haircut, and we spent time with Meme...it was a great trip!
I do have to add this little story. We went to visit Meme after church on Sunday. While we were at church we saw tons of people we had not seen in a while so we were busy talking and not watching the big kids very well. We finally told our friends that we had to go (and just jokingly said "one of our kids will have probably fallen in the fish pond")....well, by the time we got outside, sure enough Emily had fallen in the fish pond!! She was so upset that her clothes were all wet. I felt bad for her but it was pretty funny too : )
At first Lucy did great during her first hair cut.....
but a few seconds later and she was not a fan!
The girls also had their first dental appointment here in Texas. Again...Lucy was not a fan (she was crying so hard that I was not able to get a picture of her with the dentist)
Emily had her last soccer game of the season. I don't think soccer is the sport for her but she had fun playing with her friends (and talking to her friends while they sat on the bench)
Emily had crazy hair day at school. She really wanted "lots of ponytails". I managed to get 5 on there : )
One of Richard's sales reps sent aliens to the kids from Roswell, New Mexico. The kids love these guys!
Cooper's school had a really fun carnival. There was so much fun stuff to do. Their favorite was the bungee cord trampoline. They went so high and did so many flips!
You know Lucy is famous for making funny faces...well I'm not sure what she is doing here but it was too cute not to include it!
The face painting was neat too!
Lucy even got a beard painted on her face, just like Cooper!
The next day Cooper and Richard went to the big Dallas Auto Show. They saw so many neat cars! Cooper had a great time hanging-out with daddy all day.
MawMaw came to town to visit and brought snorkeling gear for the big kids!
Of course, Lucy had to try it on too