Monday, May 28, 2012

Halloween and Teeth

Halloween is so much fun here in our little neighborhood! Everyone goes all out on decorating and making sure the kids have plenty of treats! Emily and Lucy both had parties at school to celebrate too!

How cute is Lucy in this little pumpkin outfit?! Love it!

At Lucy's first school party she was Dora! So cute! (with her friend Luke the shark)

At the second party she was a bunny rabbit! She loved the ears.

Emily was the cutest little witch! Loved this outfit!

Then on Halloween Lucy was Superman. All 3 kids have worn this outfit for Halloween!

 Emily decided to not wear her cute witch outfit...she wanted to be Iron Girl

And Cooper was super excited to be the guy from Scream...he had a special button he could push and blood would run down his face. Scary!!

 The kids waiting to go inside and check out all their candy!

 They wanted to eat it all right away....

 A few days later, Cooper FINALLY lost his front top tooth! It had been very loose for a long time. We were so proud of him that he pulled it out all by himself!

And just for are all of my sweet babies wearing the Superman outfit. Cooper was 3 years old

 Emily was a little over 2 years old


Lucy was 2 years old

 I don't think Cooper and Lucy could look more alike!!

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