Well, today was the day for our first appointment with Dr. Owens. I was so nervous--I'm not really sure why, but I could not wait to make sure that everything was going well. Everything is PERFECT!! She immediately found the heartbeat and it was 172
BPM. She said that if we believed in old wives tales then we would be having a girl (they told me this when I was pregnant with Cooper too!). We also got to have an ultrasound today. I think I could have 20 babies and it would still be the most amazing thing to see that little tiny baby up on the screen. At first the baby was asleep and after she nudged it a couple of times it started moving all around. It was awesome! I go back on March 12
th and she said she will try her best to let me know if it is a boy or girl at that visit. I can't wait!!!
Our scanner is not working so I am not able to scan the 1st picture of our little "turtle bug" (that is what Cooper and Emily have named the baby for now). This is a picture of Emily from a few nights ago. She fell asleep like this and I thought it was so cute.
I love this picture!!! So glad to hear the baby is wonderful! Also very happy to hear there is only one!! LOL!! I love my twins but....wow....so much work!
What a sweet picture!!!
I'm so glad your appointment went well--that's great news, and always such a relief to see that tiny, sweet baby!
Hey Karen....just had to tell you something funny. I am making Rice Cripy Treats for Ashton's class for Valentine's Day and I couldn't stop thinking of your mom's awesome Rice Crispy Treats! Wow...No one makes them better than your mom!
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