Tuesday, March 23, 2010

7 Months Old....a few days late

I know I say this every month, but how is it possible that Lucy is already 7 months old!! She is such a good baby and has been changing so much. She had her first ear infection 2 weeks ago and while at the doctor she weighed in at 17 pounds 2 ounces. She is eating baby food...I have got to get better at taking the time to feed her baby food several times a day. Right now I am lucky to feed her one jar a day. She is finally sleeping through the night (for the most part). Every once in a while she will wake-up in the middle of the night but she will usually cry for a few minutes and then go back to sleep. Her first bottle is usually around 6:30 am....but considering that she has been going to sleep by 8:00pm, I feel like we are doing pretty good!! Lucy went to stay with my mom this past weekend and while she was gone she cut her first tooth. It kind of makes me sad to see her "growing-up" : ( She is good at rolling over and I can tell that she really wants to be moving. If she could figure it out, she would already be crawling. (hopefully she will hold off on that!) She has also just started shaking her head NO all the time. I have got to try and get her on video--it's so cute and she smiles so big while she is doing it.

Lucy is doing great at sitting-up unsupported and she rarely falls. She loves to sit and play with her toys.

Cooper and Emily are enjoying Lucy more and more each day. She loves to watch them play and they are about the only ones that can make her laugh.

Lucy loves to put her hands in her mouth. When she is happy, the first thing she does is stick her hands in her mouth--so cute!

She also loves to blow raspberries. She does this A LOT, with LOTS of slobber.

I think this picture is so funny. Lucy looks like she is bored and ready for the photo shoot to be over!

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